Miss you Buddy...

It’s been 2 years my ole friend...

…we’ve painted walls that once wore your slobbery mark

...we've added a little guy, Oliver, to the nest

...and Yeay's taken over my office space full time

I think of you often...

Mostly when I'm walking Finn

...or on the occasion when you visit us in a  beautiful sunset. 

Can you hear the kids?

'Look...it's Henry.  Henry is saying Hi. Hi Henry'

I sure hope their voices reach your ears -- as wrinkled and curled over as they were...

It's those times when I'm reminded again of the fabric of family...

...and how there's a hole in ours where you once were

That draft can bring in sad feelings of loss and wishful thinking of seeing you again.

It simultaneously provides a space for light to enter...

...and brings a warm reminder that you'll always be shining on us...and in us...

...until we meet again.

Miss you Buddy...