The call of nature won't subside...

Had a one-on-one call with my boss today. He's the sort of person I feel lucky to open up to without judgement -- there aren't many in my life.

We chat about all the things -- work, life, family. Nothing's off the table.

I brought up this photo during our chat. I tried to put into words how it embodies the fuel that I need/seek...and how I could easily walk away from the materialistic bullshit and shit show of humanity in a heart beat...but realize (talking out of the other corner of my mouth) that I do need money and I do need to provide. I'm grateful for my job and benefits and know that there are people in my life that are counting on me (to keep it together).


I'm sure he was scribbling therapeutic notes on a scratchpad :)

At this stage of my life, transparency is everything.

The call of nature won't subside.

sara and ollie running along the beach-1.jpg