These days I find my head swirling
…and while I think fatigue is always a given
Life is just…
…with good news and bad
…via social media feeds
…whether they’re my own, Sara’s or someone else close to me
The flow…is fierce
Any lulls are short lived
…but welcome
So welcome
…like a quiet morning just before first light
When the world, it seems…
Doesn’t quite rest (as it should)..
…but pause
…for a quick breath
Before jumping back into the hustle
Where simple walks with Finn make way…
…for a clear head
And promise of nothing more than a walk.
The here. The now.
I experience this like everyone else
…but can’t help feeling removed more times than not
Feet firmly planted in my own mire…
…sunken down a few inches into the sediment as if I’m making every effort to take root
To be steadfast
…to resist.
And I watch
…and can almost see the wind kick up
…and the swirl start
…and the torrent of activity
Sucking up all within its path…
…willing or not
A new day is here.
Find something to hold on to…