The Path...

When I set out…

I did so reluctantly.

It was a chore

…and my body agreed



…and wanting to do anything but what I was doing

My mind wrapped it’s arms around those moments

…and whispered in my ear

‘You’ve done enough.  Quit for today’

…and my body followed


I cherished the ‘off’ days

…of sweat free relaxation

…and general idleness

Besides, I had enough going on

…in my life

…in my head


But Sara stuck with me…

…and kept me on schedule

Leading by example

…and whether I liked it or not

I complied

I ran

…and ran some more


I started on the treadmill…

Because I was self-conscience of running outside

Where everyone would see me

…and point and laugh

Look at that guy


But in time…

…as my endurance and confidence grew

I realized how it was me all along

...holding myself back

It was my voice

My criticism

My excuses

...and it was so easy to do

So scary easy to do


Last May I had surgery for a torn left meniscus

Last Saturday, I ran 9.45 miles with the love of my life

…on a trail

…in the woods

Birds chirping

Hearts pumping

…at a pace where we could talk

…or just listen to the sound of the packed gravel beneath our feet

As we pushed

…and ran

…and motivated each other

And it felt (and feels) good

Damn good


…to be on the path