A Sunday drive...

A Sunday drive to see Mom and Dad.
I took a friend along for the ride to keep me company.
Me, driving dark, familiar roads.
Him, sitting at home, thousands of miles away in the UK.
A small screen connecting us.

When I got close to Mom and Dad’s house, I pulled over to the side of the road.
It was early and they were still sleeping.
The conversation was flowing.
There was no rush.

My hazard signals flashed…
…officially announcing the safe space inside to the world.

I sat there.
And he sat there.

The sun rose.

And life was good.

Everything everywhere all at once...

On a rainy, foggy day...
...I don't think there's ever been a more accurate image
...that truly captures how I'm feeling of late

Trying to be everything and everywhere for everyone around me...
...near and far.

This was along the commute to school.
Ollie asked if he could take a few photos.

I prefocused my trusty rangefinder...
...handed it over
...and talked him thru it.

What a treasure.

Him asking.
Him delivering...
(...more than he and I realized at the time.)

There's no going back...

There’s no going back.

Moments are not repeatable.
That’s where their magic lives.

Right here.
Right now.

Then poof.

The great thing about having a heart…
…are the feelings generated within it.

They have their own power.
Their own magic.
Chugging away alongside every moment we experience.

And while we can’t go back…
…we can tap that feeling
…often when we least expect it

…and thinking about that this morning fills me up with the biggest hope
…of the wildest kind

For you.
For me.