And so it goes...

It was a little overwhelming for Ollie to have his teachers show up at our house.

Cars honking.

A celebratory sign.

A bag of special items from school.

We’re so glad they did.

We’re so grateful to Ascension Lutheran Nursery School for what they’re provided all of our kids over the years.

It’s not the way we envisioned saying thank you to such a special group of people.

We’re fortunate to have you in our lives and it tugs at every heart string knowing that this is goodbye.

Thank YOU for everything!

We’re proud of our Pre-K graduate…and glad he was able to muster up some celebratory dabs :)

Onward to Kindergarten (and whatever that may look like).

And so it goes…

The Garden...

‘Sunday - 5/17/2020 - 6:26PM - Took a trip to see Mom and Dad with the kids. Sara stayed home to make a yoga video for Tru Balance. Overcast. In the 60s. Great visit. A couple cups of coffee. Pound cake. Shrimp creole. Klondike bars. I watched Dad spread some mulch on the garden. I moved the wheelbarrow over for him. He’s having a tough go on his left side. It’s hard to see him this way. Struggling but powering thru it the best he can. Giving of himself. Me, watching and snapping a frame or two as he went. There if needed. Not pushing myself on him. Wondering what he’s thinking. Just wanting to be there for him however I could be. This isn’t going to be easy. Life seldom is. We’ll keep visiting. These driveway get togethers continue to be some of the simplest, best moments that we’ve shared. Perhaps we sense the shelf life in all of this. Perhaps in our own way, we’re hoping they’re helping in some way. A boost of sorts. I don’t know. I’ve got a tear stuck in my left eye. So much I’m thinking that I just don’t have the words for. I’ve got frames of dad toiling in the garden in my brain…and those images sorta sum up life’s struggles for me. And that makes me happy and sad all at once.’