The Graduate...

Some of my toughest assignments are personal.  Today, Liam had his last day in pre-k and it's really unbelievable to think we're here already.  It's times like these that I battle documenting moments...and soaking them in unobstructed.  I tried my best to strike a balance -- it's a constant struggle as a photographer and as a parent, desperately doing whatever I can to hold on to now...

I love you little man.  Mom & Dad are really proud of you...

Sick daze...

2015 has begun with the flu

....and nothing can prepare you for how gut wrenching it can be see your child sick and struggling

My biggest pain point not being able to make things better.

Allowing time to take its course...

Making my best attempt at being patient

...and just being there.




...I can be.

Brighter days on the horizon.