Catching Up...

Late morning for me.

Late afternoon for him.

For the better part of 3 months I’ve been off of social media.

Quitting it has been like quitting drinking — good for me on so many levels.

A conscious choice to live outside of the fray.

If I’m being honest, I’ve missed some people that I interacted with on a daily basis.

Ian Sanders is one of them and I was so glad that we were able to connect yesterday.

Our conversations always fuel me in good ways.

From business to family to all things COVID….we share.



I can’t be more thankful for our friendship.

I’m excited about his new book 365 Ways to Have a Good Day (to be released in March 2022 in the US).

I’m flattered to find myself in the book….inextricably linked to a man that I truly respect.

I’m hopeful he’s able to make the trek across the pond next year for the book’s release.

I have every intention of being there to celebrate alongside him…

…and capture a frame or two :)

Cheers to catching up.