Nice airway...

‘Nice airway!’

Words I thought I’d never hear.

Compliments from my anesthesiologist that brought a chuckle and a promise that I'd be posting about it :)

With a family history of colon cancer, today I went for a colonoscopy.

I was handled with care from start to finish by an entire team of women at the Johns Hopkins Green Spring Station campus.

After a restful sleep, I'm happy to report an 'All clear. Good for 5 years'.

And that compliment? ...was in reference to my throat, not my bum :)

Sara dropped me off in the morning.
My parents picked me up.

My Mom's parting words....'The perfect a*%hole'.

Thanks Mom :)


This is your reminder.
If you're over 50 and/or have a family history now is the time to get checked.