Day 1...

Wednesday - 5/27/2020 - 8:31AM - Briefly listened to the news and had to turn it off. Dad starts chemo this morning. I’m headed to donate platelets this afternoon. And somewhere nearby, the stream continues to flow. Life is a motherfucker. Lots of noise/distraction…and also lots of unnoticed beauty. Mom texted a photo of Dad going in. It’s so incredibly sad to me. Walking in alone. But that’s life really…going at it head on, with little to no fanfare. A choice to live and persevere. To keep moving against all odds, until we’ve decided that we’re done…allowing the last remnants of fuel to burn bright before we go. How much wood do we chop? How much do we have stacked? When do we switch from chopping to sitting back and soaking it all in…adding another log as needed?
