The WaireHouse

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Another Memory to Hold on to...

When I was a kid, we'd spend a week out of the summer here. 

My grandparents were often alongside. It may not have happened here, but I can still remember Gramps showing us how to hold a live crab...and watching that same crab reach back and grab ahold of him. Boy...did he holler. You'd often find him on the porch with a pair of binoculars looking for 'dolphins'.

We'd spend the entire day on the beach.

At night, we'd hit the boardwalk and as the night progressed and we found our way back, you might find my brother sitting on a blanket in the sand, strumming on his banjo. Open case, gobbling up tips...and me, sitting beside him...counting the loot.

Many years later, feeling nostalgic, we stayed there as a family again. Sara and I were dating at the Mom and Dad made it clear that we sleep with the bedroom door open. It's safe to say the place hadn't changed much since I was a kid. Fortunately, Sara toughed it out...and stuck with me :)

When we visited last week...Dad's walking goal was to make it here and take a photo. 

Another memory to hold on to...